$HMSTR 4 months of labor in return
what's in this labor:
**My phone's screen was on while I was sleeping for 4 months, my phone's battery life is dead
**I spent about 10 hours a day on games like a donkey
**I was in the top 2400 in the rankings
**I collected 20 billion game points
**I upgraded 3100 cards
**I played the game for 125 days without fail
**I earned 10.56m hourly income
**I collected 1600 keys
**I made all my relatives play hamster
**I recruited 25 people to the game
☺️I earned 117 dollars☺️
so what am I going to do with this money, what's my plan!!!!!
first I'm going to buy a brand new battery for my phone and while my phone is being repaired I'm going to buy a hamburger and a soda
4 months of labor in return
1 phone battery
1 hamburger
1 soda🤬