### $INCEPT/WETH trading pair on Uniswap surges, innovative ERC-40 standard draws attention

Hello everyone! Today we are going to talk about the $INCEPT/WETH trading pair that has recently caused a sensation on Uniswap. The price of the $INCEPT token has experienced significant fluctuations in a short period of time, and the trading volume has also soared. This strong rise not only reflects the market's renewed interest in this emerging project, but its innovative ERC-40 standard has also attracted the attention of many investors.

#### INCEPT's protocol mechanism

INCEPT is the first token built on ERC-40. ERC-40 is an experimental dual-root token standard that combines the concept of multi-dimensional assets. In short, INCEPT combines the functions of ERC-20 and ERC-6551, and can be used as a freely tradable asset or as a wallet that can store other assets (called a liquid token binding account). In other words, each $INCEPT token is not only a token, but also can hold other tokens or assets.

#### Innovation: Pocket Assets

After INCEPT went online this morning, it attracted the attention of many community members. The ERC-6551 standard adds a smart contract account to NFT, in which other assets can be placed. ERC-40 has moved this function to the token. In other words, the tokens in the user's account are no longer just simple digital assets, but "pocket assets" that can be used to store different assets, and even manage a series of resources.

The ERC-6551 token account will hold the original ERC-20 token that created it, forming a cycle of ownership, which increases the complexity and uniqueness of the token. The ERC-40 standard uses the ERC-6551 token account root structure, and the ERC-721 NFT components it contains operate in a "double-ended queue" (Deque) manner. This means that assets can be operated in a "first-in, first-out" (FIFO) or "last-in, first-out" (LIFO) manner as needed.

#### Innovation without boundaries

The emergence of Incept is a good example of innovation without boundaries. Although its "multi-dimensional token" is still in its infancy, the direction it explores is worth paying attention to. For players who like to try new things, the possibilities behind this new mechanism are more attractive than short-term price fluctuations.

#### Existing Tokens & Interactive Experience

The $INCEPT token was released at 2 a.m. on June 26, and reached a maximum increase of about 20 times at noon.Although the price has adjusted to a certain extent, it still maintains a high popularity, with a 24-hour trading volume of 13.9M and nearly 7,000 transactions, and the market transactions continue to be active.

At present, INCEPT has not updated other interactive experiences, and BlockBeats will continue to follow up on the project progress.

👀 What do you think of this emerging ERC-40 standard? Welcome to share your views and insights in the comment area! Let's explore this interesting project together!