Tonight, many senior Federal Reserve officials, including Chairman Powell, Boston Fed President Collins, Dallas Fed President Coogler, Fed Governor Bowman, New York Fed President Williams, Vice Chairman Barr, and Governor Cook, will deliver speeches one after another. As the first important opportunity to express their opinions after the Fed meeting, the remarks of these officials have attracted much attention from the market.

Previously, the Federal Reserve started this cycle of interest rate cuts by 50 basis points (50BP). However, the market is still uncertain about the extent of interest rate cuts expected for the rest of this year. Officials' speeches are expected to provide more clues to the situation and help investors clarify the next policy direction.

Given that tonight's series of speeches may have a significant impact on the market, investors are advised to remain cautious during this period. The possibility of intensified market volatility is high, and risk control is particularly important. Investors, especially those involved in highly volatile assets such as cryptocurrencies and stocks, should pay close attention to relevant developments to avoid unnecessary risks caused by unexpected situations.

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