CZ (Changpeng Zhao), the CEO of Binance, will be free on the 29th.

People can't help but wonder whether he can turn the tide and detonate the market at this time?

Analyzing the current market situation alone, it can be said that there are many difficulties.

This is essentially a market-level problem, and it is not easy to solve it by relying on a single individual. In other words, CZ is a person who has fought all the way to the top from the past stage of industry development, but the old market model and narrative logic have already shown insufficient motivation for subsequent development.

However, it is fortunate that new traffic is still pouring into the field of cryptocurrency, and younger and more creative groups are entering the B circle (coin circle).

In the current situation of changing the industry pattern, how to undertake and value this new group and the new logic they bring may be the key problem that the legendary CZ needs to focus on solving next.

On the other hand, no matter what, CZ's return is undoubtedly great good news for Binance, and it will also have a positive impact on boosting user sentiment.

It is highly likely that the Bian series of currencies will usher in an upward trend, and some people in the market have begun to target the so-called "CZ out of prison concept".

It can be seen that although the market is no longer what it used to be, CZ's influence in the industry cannot be underestimated. 👗👉➩BNB0098

The market may be about to usher in a new wave of development opportunities, and industry insiders must have a clear idea of ​​this.

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