1. To judge whether he is a master, look at the time and currency of his short position. The longer the short position time and the fewer currency types, the more masters he is.

2. All purchases in a bear market are wrong, except BTC

3. All sales in a bull market are wrong, except for altcoins

4. The simplest investment is to buy low and sell high, provided that you know what price is low and what price is high.

5. The main funds determine the direction of the market, and large funds will eventually return to BTC

6. Technical and fundamental aspects cannot resist the general trend and the rhythm of the cycle

7. The top is positive when it reaches the top, so you should sell it when it is crowded

8. The bottom is negative when it reaches the bottom, so you should buy it when no one cares

9. It is enough to be rich once in your life. Keep the money you earn and repeat it in the place where you have made money. Don't mess around.