Chen Zhichao, born in Hangzhou, Zhejiang in 1998, and Liang Xi, born in Lixia District, Jinan in 2002, about a private lending incident. The trial was held in Lixia District, Jinan on August 12, 2024, and Liang Xi was absent. Chen Zhichao presented an IOU presented by Liang Xi in video on September 14, 2023. In the end, Liang Xi was sentenced to return the principal of 1,000,535 yuan, and interest. The case acceptance fee was 17,760 yuan, of which Chen Zhichao was responsible for 3,860 yuan and Liang Xi was responsible for 13,900 yuan. The friend who reported the case, the rice is coming back, Liang Xi's father has the rice, as long as Liang Xi's creditors report the case, Liang Xi's father will still pay, and the creditors can also go to the judicial authorities to ask, maybe there will be a surprise. Fans are very concerned about when Liang Xi will go to jail, but since it was said on Weibo that he would go in, there must be a follow-up. Liang Xi, the former king, has no money to open contracts again, and once again sold his Weibo account. The leeks thought it would be fun to open 100 or 125 times contracts, but the ending was the same as Liang Xi's.

Chen Zhichao said, Liang Xi made money but didn't return a penny to me. I used to think that Liang Xi was a person who donated so much money, and he was loyal and had no problem with his character. Now it seems that he is getting worse and worse. I don't know whether it is the market that makes him worse or he has changed. If you owe tens of thousands of yuan in online loans, you will be sent messages every day to urge you to pay back the money, but I don't even mention urging you to pay back. There are rumors on Weibo that Liang Xi didn't go to jail because there were too many people chasing debts and there was no way out. He forged a bill and said he went to jail to escape. Even if he really went to jail, others would not know, but people in the currency circle should know that he has a certificate issued by a formal mental hospital. No matter how serious the crime is, he is not panicked. Researchers at the University of Toronto found that cryptocurrency holders are more likely to show mental illness than the general population. It turns out that Liang Xi is not an isolated case. Trading requires good cognition and technology, and must be matched with a good mentality and self-control. Without a strong heart, no matter how strong the technology is, it is useless. Liang Xi, who has been in prison for 21 years, made 20 million yuan with 3,000 yuan. He was considered a genius trader by the leeks, but the market conditions were not suitable, and some external emotional factors made him a complete mess, and the cryptocurrency world is laughing at him.

Liang Xi was really handsome in 21 years old, but now he has dull eyes, is irritable, and has a fat face like a pig head. It is unlikely that Liang Xi will be able to rise in the future. I still hope that he can rise and become a more realistic trader.

Many leeks who do contracts in the cryptocurrency circle have become cold now, and their behavior is exactly the same as Liang Xi. There are many scammers in the cryptocurrency circle who practice to cheat money. Don’t believe even a punctuation mark when Liang Xi says it now! I feel that most leeks come to the market not to make money. They are for gossip and gossip. Leeks’ focus is not on improving their level at all. How fierce Liang Xi was back then. I also followed his Weibo. At the beginning, he was doing transactions wholeheartedly. Later, he was arguing with all kinds of people, arguing with the sky, the earth, and the big Vs, saying that he wanted to correct the atmosphere in the cryptocurrency circle. Real big Vs are arguing! Fake big Vs are arguing! In my opinion, this is no longer a trader, but just doing all kinds of things for traffic. When a trader wastes time and energy on all kinds of gossip and all kinds of melons, how can he do a good job in trading? Seeing that many people worship Liang Xi as a contract boss, even if Liang Xi has lost a lot of money, he will not change his mind. This is why contract bosses like Liang Xi and Ban Mucha, many people who follow them to open orders have lost everything, but it does not prevent new investors from worshipping them as gods. It can only be said that they deserve to lose money. Gamblers do not deserve sympathy. Going bankrupt must be the final destination of gamblers. It's just a pity for the relatives and friends who are implicated by gamblers.

After Liang Xi became rich overnight in the 519 incident, he realized that it was the market's one-way plunge that made him successful, and the random and large fluctuations in the market destroyed him. Times make heroes, and the same strategy varies greatly in different market conditions. When the wind comes, pigs can fly when standing at the wind outlet, and when the wind stops, pigs will fall and die. Liang Xi was all the rage back then, but now Liang Xi is in debt and looking for death, from the altar to the bottom. Gamblers can't stop, so no one has ever heard of gamblers making money. Trading has never relied on high leverage to make profits. Market direction, position management, and self-discipline are all indispensable. People's hearts are greedy. When they can go from being controlled by greed to controlling greed, then they are not far from the road to success. The genius boy Liang Xi, from the peak of the currency circle to the downfall, Liang Xi's story warns us not to be blinded by the myth of getting rich quickly. The trading market doesn't care whether Liang Xi is 21 years old or not, nor does it care whether the leeks are talented or hardworking. The trading market never believes in tears. Qualified traders must not only win, but also win all the time. Liang Xi's love is also envied by all the people in the cryptocurrency circle. His girlfriend even earns money by drinking in a bar so that Liang Xi can play contracts. Moreover, Liang Xi also asks fans to support his girlfriend's work, which is really shocking. However, don't be fooled by the fact that Liang Xi seems to be full of energy on the Internet, and he has been scolding a group of netizens. He has repeatedly revealed that he has had thoughts of suicide more than once. As a 21-year-old boy, Liang Xi is a bit too extreme and hysterical.

Now it seems that Liang Xi is essentially just a lucky dog, not a qualified trader at all. Liang Xi can make tens of millions of dollars by relying on his shitty luck, and naturally he can also rely on his bullshit trading skills to lose everything overnight, or even lose tens of millions of dollars. His story is just a small microcosm behind the thousands of leeks. Liang Xi's story tells us that success is not easy, and the myth of getting rich quickly is even more difficult to replicate. Don't be confused by other people's success stories, let alone be swayed by the anxiety you create. We who trade in the currency circle need to maintain a stable mentality, look at market fluctuations rationally, and don't blindly follow the trend. Investment is a marathon, not a sprint. A sound investment strategy and a good mentality are the key to success. Let us jointly call for rational investment, stay away from impetuousness and anxiety, and move forward steadily!
