Binance Pre-Market Service Rules

The platform clarified many of the rules regulating the pre-market instant trading service through the official announcement, which include trading restrictions for buying and selling, countries eligible to use the service, as well as accounts and users, as follows:

1. Trading restrictions (buying restrictions and no selling restrictions):

Pre-market users on Binance are subject to a maximum token holding limit, which may vary for each eligible Launchpool project.

If a user's current Spot account holdings exceed the maximum holding, they will not be able to purchase additional tokens in the pre-market.

(Please note: The amount includes the token held in the wallet and the incomplete order)


Launch pool code = BNB

Max Pre-Market Token Hold = 5 BNB

Amount of pre-market assets that a user gets from the launch pool = 10 BNB

If a user sells 7 BNB, they will only have the option to buy 2 more BNB (2 + 3 = 5 BNB).

Alternatively, the user can choose to sell all 10 of their BNB.

2. Only Master Accounts and Regular User Accounts are eligible to participate in Pre-Market (Sub-accounts will not have Pre-Market trading permissions).

3. Only users from specified countries are eligible to participate in the Pre-Market Spot Service.

Schedule during services:

  • The launch complex period ends.

  • Launch pool rewards are distributed.

  • The transfer and deposit functions for the selected token are temporarily suspended before the pre-market trading period begins. You can use these functions again when Binance opens spot trading for the selected token.

  • You can transfer Binance Rewards in your sub-account(s) to your main account up to 1 hour before the pre-market trading period starts.

  • Binance starts pre-market trading.

  • Binance ends pre-market trading, opens transfer and deposit function.

  • The token will move from pre-market to spot trading.

  • Lists of symbols on Binance spot trading.

  • The token draw will open at the time and date listed in the Instant Token List announcement on the platform.


For more information, see the official announcement:

What Is Binance Pre-Market?