Brothers, hello everyone, I am the trader Zhu Yici. The recent market conditions are pretty good, and the overall recovery has been a lot. I have also been doing short-term operations quite frequently. Due to the good returns, gradually many people have started to follow my orders. In order to prevent someone from blindly following orders, I would like to talk about my overall thinking on the market for your reference.

To summarize, it is: "Overall upward, slow rise and sharp fall." I am very optimistic about the market at the end of the year, but the rise will not be smooth sailing. It is often accompanied by a sudden plunge to clear high leverage. At this time, the rhythm is very important.

The strategy I adopt is to divide the positions into long-term positions and ultra-short-term positions. The long-term position, as the name suggests, is a position that is held for a long time. The coin I hold is AI. As an old fan, I have bought it since the first day it went online. It has been almost 8-9 months. The highest floating profit on it was more than 600,000, and I didn’t sell it. During the decline, I operated several waves and struggled to reduce the cost from the initial 1.72 to the current 1.1. It is still at a loss at present. I will wait with it until the bull market, and I will not leave it until I make a lot of money.

The ultra-short-term positions are flexible and maneuverable, which are the positions I have been operating frequently recently. This month I mainly traded SSV, and then I also took a bite of ACE. I will adjust this position at any time according to the specific market and news, or go short or adjust the position. The principle is that the principal is first, and the profit is second. As for whether there is a pattern or not, it depends on the actual situation. In short, you cannot be trapped. If you are trapped, you will be passive and have no maneuverability. The ultra-short-term will become empty talk, and it is worth sacrificing part of the profit for the safety of the principal.

For ultra-short-term positions, I usually trade familiar currencies, basically, I trade those few currencies back and forth. At this stage, the market is unpredictable and the volatility is large. The sky may be clear one second and cloudy the next. Everything is subject to the actual market. When I feel that I have made a wrong judgment, I will correct it at any time. Friends who follow the orders may not be able to keep up with the operation. You must pay attention to this. Don't follow orders blindly. I'm not a god. I have made a lot of money recently because the market is the long market, which I am best at, not because of how high my trading skills are.

For each order, I will basically write down briefly the ideas behind this order. Most of them are subjective, so please look at them dialectically. I cannot guarantee right or wrong, profit or loss, but I can guarantee one thing, that is, it is real. For each order, I open and close it truly. There is no fraud or deception. Anyone is welcome to expose fraud!