Telegram CEO Pavel Durov has announced that Telegram will begin sharing user data, including IP addresses and phone numbers, with governments upon valid legal requests. This move is seen as a significant compromise on Telegram’s original stance of privacy and anonymity.

This shift has sparked concerns, especially for Toncoin (TON), which is closely associated with Telegram. Analysts are warning that TON could face a major decline, citing centralization issues. "With Telegram’s most attractive feature—privacy—now compromised, selling pressure on TON could increase," stated analyst Martinez. He compared the situation to the downfall of Celestia (TIA), which saw a 65% drop following its initial airdrop frenzy.

Martinez predicts that TON could fall to around **$2.75** before rebounding to **$4**. The analysis suggests TON might hit its lowest point by late November. Despite these concerns, TON has seen a 1% increase in the last 24 hours, bringing its market cap to **$14.3 billion** according to CoinGecko data.

Martinez further claimed that interest in Toncoin will soon wane, leading to an eventual sell-off.

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