The market has continued to rise recently, especially Ethereum's performance is particularly eye-catching. Although the increase is not astronomical, considering the previous market depression, such performance is encouraging enough.

There have been voices in the market that have lost confidence in Ethereum, and even belittled it as useless and regretted investing in it. However, such voices ignore some key facts:

Who led the prosperity of the entire cryptocurrency market?

Who brought the smart contract revolution for the first time?

Who opened the door to DeFi for the currency circle?

Who promoted the rise of NFT?

All of these innovations are epoch-making, and each one is driving the development of the cryptocurrency bull market. At the same time, other public chains are either imitating Ethereum or on the way to imitation. Although the performance of Ethereum in this wave may not be as dazzling as expected, looking at the entire cryptocurrency field, Ethereum still has no real competitors. Even emerging public chains such as Solana, although developing rapidly, rely more on market hype and short-term interests to attract users, rather than long-term innovation and value creation.

Bitcoin is undoubtedly the spiritual leader of cryptocurrency, and Ethereum is the real pioneer in the field of cryptocurrency.

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