Have you noticed recently that Musk doesn’t seem to be playing with DOGE (Dogecoin) much? This makes those of us who have been paying attention to DOGE feel a little confused. Let’s talk about this today.

Musk was once the "number one fan" and "ambassador" of DOGE. At that time, his every move on social media could make the price of DOGE as exciting as a roller coaster. He would tweet about DOGE from time to time, or mention it in public, and the price of DOGE would immediately react. Many of us started to pay attention to and even invest in DOGE because of Musk.

I remember one time, Musk said something on Twitter that seemed like a joke but was very influential, and the price of DOGE took off instantly. At that time, everyone thought that Musk was the "God of Wealth" of DOGE, and as long as he "favored" us a little, the DOGE in our hands would increase in value. His influence is not limited to the cryptocurrency circle, and even many people outside the circle know the name DOGE. Under his leadership, DOGE once became a star currency in the cryptocurrency circle, attracting a lot of funds and attention.

However, things seem to have changed recently. Musk no longer mentions DOGE as frequently as before. There is a noticeable decrease in the content about DOGE on his social media, and he rarely talks about it in public. This has made the price trend of DOGE relatively stable, without the excitement of the previous ups and downs.

We, the cryptocurrency traders, are getting anxious. We used to follow Musk’s rhythm to judge the trend of DOGE, but now he is suddenly “quiet”, and we are a little confused. It’s like you have been following a guide in the forest, and suddenly the guide disappears, would you be a little panicked?

Now the regulation of cryptocurrencies in various countries is becoming more and more stringent. For example, the SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission) in the United States has been strengthening its supervision of the cryptocurrency market, investigating and cracking down on some possible illegal operations. As a public figure, Musk's every word may have a huge impact on the market. If he continues to push the price of DOGE as casually as before, it is likely to attract the attention of regulators and bring unnecessary trouble to himself.

Musk has so many companies under his control that he has to consider more than just his influence in the cryptocurrency world. He has to consider the interests of the entire conglomerate. If legal problems arise because of his excessive promotion of DOGE, it may have a negative impact on his other businesses. So, in order to avoid getting into legal disputes, he may have to curb his enthusiasm for DOGE.

In recent years, the cryptocurrency market has developed very rapidly, and new currencies have emerged one after another. In addition to DOGE, there are many other potential projects that have attracted investors' attention. For example, some currencies that focus on the application of blockchain technology, or cryptocurrencies with unique innovative models. The market's funds and attention are no longer just focused on DOGE, and investors have more choices.


Although DOGE was once popular due to Musk's promotion, it also has some problems. Its technical foundation is relatively weak, and it does not have a strong technical team and continuous technical updates like some other mainstream currencies. Moreover, its application scenarios are relatively limited, and it mainly exists as a speculative asset. As the market gradually matures, investors have begun to pay more attention to the actual value and development potential of the project, and DOGE seems to be a little powerless in this regard. Therefore, even if Musk continues to vigorously promote DOGE, it may be difficult to attract more long-term investors.

Musk's main focus is still on his core businesses such as his electric car company Tesla and space exploration company SpaceX. These businesses require a lot of capital, technology and manpower investment, and face fierce market competition and technical challenges. He may feel that at this time, he can no longer divert too much time and energy to the field of cryptocurrency, but should focus on improving the competitiveness and innovation capabilities of his core enterprises.

Musk has always been a person who likes to explore new things. He may have set his sights on other more promising fields, such as artificial intelligence, renewable energy, etc. For him, cryptocurrency may just be a field he has been involved in before, and now he has new interests and development directions. Therefore, his attention to DOGE has naturally decreased.

After Musk stopped frequently mentioning DOGE, the price fluctuation of DOGE has become smaller than before. This may be a good thing for some investors with low risk tolerance, as they no longer have to experience such drastic price fluctuations as before. However, on the other hand, price uncertainty has also increased. Without Musk as a "barometer", it is difficult for investors to judge the short-term trend of DOGE based on his remarks, which makes investment decisions more difficult.

Many investors chose to invest in DOGE in the first place, largely because they believed in Musk's influence and vision. Now Musk's attitude towards DOGE has become "cold", which has hit the confidence of some investors. They may begin to doubt the future development prospects of DOGE, and even worry that their investment will go down the drain. This setback in market confidence may cause some investors to choose to sell DOGE, further affecting the price trend.

Since we can no longer rely solely on Musk's remarks to invest in DOGE, we need to study its fundamentals more deeply. Understand DOGE's technical characteristics, team strength, application scenarios, etc. By analyzing these fundamental factors, we can judge the long-term investment value of DOGE. For example, if DOGE can improve its technology and expand more application scenarios, it is still possible to regain the attention and recognition of the market.

Don't put all your eggs in one basket. In cryptocurrency investment, diversification is very important. We can't just focus on DOGE, but also pay attention to other potential cryptocurrencies or traditional assets. Reduce risks through reasonable asset allocation. For example, you can appropriately invest in some mainstream cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, etc., which are relatively more mature and stable. At the same time, you can also consider allocating some traditional assets such as gold and stocks to achieve diversified investment.

When facing market changes, we must remain rational and calm. Don't blindly sell or buy just because Musk's attitude changes. Make reasonable decisions based on your investment goals, risk tolerance and investment knowledge. At the same time, learn to control your emotions and don't be swayed by short-term market fluctuations. After all, investment is a long-term process that requires patience and determination.

Although Musk has not mentioned DOGE recently, it does not mean that DOGE has no future. The cryptocurrency market is a market full of changes and opportunities, and anything can happen.

Perhaps in the future, the DOGE team will improve its value and competitiveness through technological innovation and market expansion. Or, as the market environment changes, Musk will pay attention to DOGE again and exert his influence again. However, these are just speculations, and we cannot accurately predict what will happen in the future.

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