9.26 Market Analysis

Set the tone: There will be a rebound here, but don't chase it yet

BTC and ETH both stepped down on the four-hour lifeline yesterday

BTC: The four-hour lifeline is 63056, and the lowest yesterday was 62910. This is the first step back. There will be a rebound, but special attention should be paid to the strength of the rebound. Whether a new bullish trend can be formed during the rebound, the key position depends on whether 63970 can be effectively stood on.

If it cannot be effectively stood on here, it will step on the lifeline 63056 for the second time, and the possibility of breaking through cannot be ruled out. If it can stand on it, it means that the adjustment of the past two days is over. Just follow the trend, don't predict the trend.

ETH: Synchronize with BTC, pay attention to a resistance level of 2628 for the intraday rebound.

Don't enter the market blindly before there is a certain signal. In particular, don't regard the rebound at this position as the end of the callback, at least it cannot be judged in this way now.