⚡️ Important news from the world of blockchain and cryptocurrency! ⚡️

At the Solana Breakpoint conference, Vibhu Norby, CEO of DRiP, said that blockchain reduces speculation due to its transparency and fast flow of information. 🧐

- Norby used a simple prop - a bag with a purple wig - to illustrate how knowing the contents eliminates speculation.

- He compared it to a blockchain, where all participants have access to the same information.

"Blockchain is a system where everyone knows all the information at all times. Speculation occurs when people do not fully understand the situation," Norby noted.

- In traditional markets, investors often guess the value of assets based on incomplete information.

- On the blockchain, every transaction is visible on the public ledger, limiting the need for speculation.

Norby also emphasized that on the blockchain, loans require full collateral, making them less speculative.

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