What price will HMSTR reach upon listing? We analyzed everything and here is the projection!

The HMSTR token, native to Hamster Kombat, the exciting crypto exchange CEO simulator game on Telegram’s mini-app platform, is about to be listed. And as always, the crypto community is excited.

Before we dive into the price analysis, it’s crucial to understand the context. Hamster Kombat is designed for gaming and crypto fans, allowing users to purchase skins, upgrades, and tools using its native token, HMSTR. Additionally, the token grants exclusive access to events, PvP battles, and premium in-game content. All of this suggests a dynamic and expanding ecosystem.

HMSTR Key Facts:

Total supply: 100,000,000,000 tokens.

Circulating supply at time of listing: 64,375,000,000 (64.38% of total).

The premarket price is currently around $0.01 per token, but after thoroughly analyzing the tokenomics and comparing it with previous projects with similar characteristics, the projected market price could be between $0.007 and $0.015.

How did we arrive at these figures?

By reviewing other projects that have also emerged on mini-app platforms, and considering factors such as circulating supply, projected demand within the Hamster Kombat ecosystem, and staking mechanics, a conservative but accurate estimate of this price range has been generated.

Some key points for this projection:

1. Internal demand for the token: Players will need HMSTR to access events, customizations, and upgrades. This creates a constant demand within the game, but will also limit its liquidity on the open market.

2. Effect of events and releases: PvP tournaments and community activities, which require HMSTR, will generate demand spikes during specific periods.

3. High circulating supply: With more than 64% of the total supply circulating since day one, the risks of an initial oversupply exist, which could lead to an initial correction in the price, bringing it closer to $0.007.

However, the expansion of the player base and the game's appeal could sustain a positive trend that pushes the price towards the upper limit of $0.015. If Hamster Kombat manages to trigger major updates or events in the first few months, we could see an even stronger rise.