Hello, brothers. I am trader Zhu Yici. Today, I will analyze the future of DODO.

Recently, $DODO has been abuzz with activity. As a relatively old project, I am a little surprised that DODO still has funds to organize activities when this round of market comes.

Regarding DODO, the evaluation of it in the square is of course mixed. After the launch of this activity, I saw mostly negative evaluations.

At present, it must have encountered resistance on the market. After this activity, it is difficult to say whether it will continue to rise in the future, but it has initially risen, and the support below has also been adjusted accordingly. At least this is a good phenomenon.

The support below is around 0.136. If this support is not broken, we can be relatively optimistic about the outlook for the future.

I checked the project information. The PMM model of DODO, a DEX, is different from the traditional automated market maker algorithm. It can actively adjust the price and depth of the liquidity pool through real-time market data analysis to provide better transaction execution efficiency. This method enables DODO to maintain low slippage and high liquidity under different market conditions, allowing #DODO助力Meme发行 to be issued.

However, the competition in the DEX track is still very fierce. Even Uniswap, the leader of the DEX track, has been a bit sluggish in the past two years, but as a leader, it only occupies about 20 to 30% of the market share in this track. There are almost several other DEXs on one chain. At least there are hundreds of DEXs in the industry at present.

All the coins in this track are also trying their best to make things. I personally prefer to do some possible hot coins. I don’t care much about the decentralized exchange track.

These views are for reference by brothers. Although the views are a bit simple, the decentralized exchange track is very simple. I admire other big Vs in the square for being able to talk so much.