The current price of Blur (BLUR) is $0.2446, marking a +12.53% increase in the last 24 hours. BLUR is available on 40 exchanges, with a trading volume of $135,254,099 from 553,010,308 coins exchanged. Today, it opened at $0.2368 and has risen 3.29% since then, although it faced resistance after reaching $0.2540. In the past 30 days, BLUR is up 8.38% from its maximum price and 72.66% from its minimum, while over the last week, it has risen by 46.16%.

To maintain upward momentum, BLUR needs to stay above $0.2334 to target the first resistance level at $0.2961. A break above this level could lead to further resistance at $0.3328 and $0.3762. Should the price decline, the first support level to watch is $0.2334, with a potential drop to $0.1890 if that level fails to hold.
