Cryptocurrency terminology analysis

Position: the ratio of investment funds to total assets.

Full position/reduced position/heavy position/light position/empty position: refers to the status of full investment, partial sale, less funds and more coins, more funds and less coins, and all sales converted into funds.

Stop profit/stop loss: strategies used to lock in profits and limit losses respectively.

Bull market/bear market: the cycle of market rise or fall.

Long/short: bullish or bearish investors.

Open position/cover position/rebound/consolidation/negative decline/diving: a series of terms describing market behavior.

Cut meat/get stuck/unwind/miss the opportunity/overbought/oversold/lure more/lure short: complex phenomena reflecting investor psychology and market behavior.

#AI概念币普涨 #本周美国将公布PCE、GDP数据 #金价屡创新高 #加密市场反弹