It is expected that the Bitcoin (BTC) market will experience violent fluctuations tomorrow, and will be driven by a series of key information throughout the day. The market has the potential to set new highs, and it is recommended to maintain a buy-on-dip (low-long) strategy as the core in the short term. Therefore, starting today, you can consider a phased layout to be fully prepared for possible fluctuations.

The key information schedule for tomorrow (Thursday) is as follows:

7:50: The Bank of Japan will announce the minutes of the July monetary policy meeting, which may have a certain impact on the Asian market and even the global financial market.

12:00: Accenture (ACN) will release its fourth quarter 2024 financial report before the opening of the U.S. stock market on the 26th, and its performance may attract market attention.

12:02: Subsequently, Jefferies (JEF) will release its third quarter financial report for fiscal year 2024 after the close of the U.S. stock market on the 25th, and its financial data is also worthy of market attention.

20:30: The United States will disclose the number of people who continue to apply for unemployment benefits from September 14 to 21, the final value of the annualized quarter-on-quarter GDP deflator in the second quarter, and the final value of the annualized quarter-on-quarter personal consumption expenditures (PCE) in the second quarter. These data will provide the market with more clues about the state of the US economy.

21:10: Boston Fed President Collins will host an online meeting on central bank supervision and financial inclusion, and Fed Governor Kugler will participate. This meeting may involve topics such as monetary policy and financial supervision.

21:20: Fed Chairman Powell will deliver an opening speech for an event through a pre-recorded video, and his remarks may have a significant impact on the market.

21:25: Permanent voting member of the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) and President of the New York Fed Williams will deliver a speech, and his views are also worthy of market attention.

22:30: Fed Governor Barr will also deliver a speech, and his remarks may bring certain fluctuations to the market.

Investors are advised to pay close attention to the release of the above key information so as to adjust their trading strategies in a timely manner.

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