The United States wants to wipe out 35 trillion debts. As far as the current situation is concerned, there are only five results:

1. The first is that the United States itself is divided. Why? Because the internal contradictions are too great and they want to escape from the debt.

2. The second result is that the United States goes bankrupt. Why? Because the debt is too large and cannot be repaid, it can only declare bankruptcy.

3. The third result is that the United States has inflation. Why? Because the debt is too large, it can only be repaid by printing money, leading to inflation.

4. The fourth result is that the United States is forced to raise interest rates. Why? Because the debt is too large, it can only attract capital inflows and ease debt pressure by raising interest rates.

5. The fifth result is that the US debt is restructured. Why? Because the debt is too large and cannot be repaid, the debt burden can only be reduced through debt restructuring.