Today, the price of Bitcoin has reached 65,000, and it has returned to the price of 64,000 in the oscillation range. According to the technical indicators, Bitcoin is considered to be in an upward oscillation market, as shown in Figure 1 below.

Technical indicators are trend analysis of past market conditions, and do not mean that future market conditions will continue to run according to past history. Trend analysis is often inconsistent with or even opposite to the content of technical indicator analysis, as shown in Figure 2 below.

In the previous article, I have clearly stated that in terms of trend analysis, the current market of Bitcoin is indeed a large-scale correction, so short-term oscillations, pins, etc. do not affect the final desired results of trend analysis.

Oscillating upward is a script that the market is currently very easy to accept and operate. At present, it is relatively comfortable to make profits through trading for those who are bullish and short-term trading. There is not much time for this kind of market. I still want the situation in Figure 2 to happen. The decline is not a little bit. After all, the current bulls are really fat, so it is better to miss it than to be bloody harvested!

Do you think it will be situation 1 or situation 2 in the next few days? Leave your opinions in the comment area and let’s discuss together🤝🤝