Bitcoin's volatility is expected to be very drastic tomorrow, and important information will be released one after another, which may push the price to a new high. Therefore, you can start to lay out in batches today.

Important information tomorrow (Thursday):

7:50: The Bank of Japan will release the minutes of the July monetary policy meeting.

12:00: Accenture (ACN) will release its Q4 2024 financial report before the US stock market.

12:02: Jefferies (JEF) will release its Q3 2024 financial report after the US stock market.

20:30: Release the number of unemployment benefit applicants from September 14 to 21, the annualized quarter-on-quarter final value of the GDP deflator in the second quarter, and the annualized quarter-on-quarter final value of personal consumption expenditures (PCE).

21:10: Boston Fed President Collins will host an online meeting on central bank supervision and financial inclusion, and Fed Governor Kugler will attend.

21:20: Fed Chairman Powell will pre-record a video to deliver an opening speech.

21:25: New York Fed President Williams delivered a speech as a permanent voting member of the FOMC.

22:30: Federal Reserve Board member Barr delivered a speech.

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