As you may have noticed, ZEC has already experienced 2 markup phases with the 2017-2018 markup being its highest markup recorded so far. Right now, we're observing the responses of the buyers unto the long-term prospects that this token provides.

Here's what the future may bring for ZEC.

   Knowing the 4 market phases and how they happen is essential in the crypto market and as well as the other markets. These 4 market phases will always appear in the market as they also appear in economic cycles. Always remember that in every after decline there are accumulations and their signs will appear with ongoing stillness in the market. Some call this as the calm before the storm, some call this as the consolidation phases or ranging markets but we call this is the agreement area. This is where sellers and buyers agree that the supplies held by sellers are now totally exhausted and they now have to push the prices higher by gaining more supplies through demanding at the least possible price. Now, as we take a look at ZEC's current market situation, it has already experienced several declines and for a very long time. Where it's headed could be easily analyzed but the 'right' timing is the most difficult challenge in attaining the optimal position in the market.

So, how do we gain the optimal position in the market?

   It is not the matter of how we gain the optimal position or using historical data to analyze the next upward stride of ZEC. It's more of how we can analyze the market situation, formulate possible scenarios and patiently wait for the next price action. Market goes down further? No worries, we're observing the market. Market goes up? No worries, we're patiently waiting for more pullbacks and we will strike once the market is no longer in doubt and fear is conquered by everyone. Market is boring and doesn't have any movement? No worries, we will not get bored and instead, we will continue waiting for the market to make a strong move.

In conclusion, you may use historical data to verify next moves, you may also check the phase that the market is currently in but the one factor that will provide the best results would be your trading mentality. Patience and perseverance is what's needed in a market that's going to create big impulsive waves every after silence. The market's ranging/consolidating/accumulating phases are all  signs that a major move will happen. So, just be patient.

Stay wise, trade cautiously.