Lowercase terminus is the biggest conspiracy group. Those who shout orders are all 40U matrix numbers, or the fraudster VT takes the lead. After the price goes up, the top ten will sell madly, and then slander the uppercase. Be careful when getting on the train. In fact, we can see the clues a few days ago. They have been collecting chips, and then a bunch of people shout madly, while selling madly

I didn't want to say anything at first. If it weren't for a group of big OGs and the community coming together to build a consensus on this IP, there would be no such thing. Capital#TERMINUShas allowed everyone to get on board and make money together from the beginning. The chip structure is very healthy. Those who say that the chips are concentrated, you should first learn to use Bubblemap to speak. The chips are the most dispersed.

In fact, it is not uncommon for all coins to have copycats and imitations. I just want to tell you to recognize who is on which car. The bull market is coming, don’t waste your bullets, it’s not easy to make money.

Look for the consensus CTO project @TERMINUS_CTO

Uppercase (CTO) vs Lowercase (40U Group)