[Goldman Sachs: S&P 500 expected to reach 6,000 points, optimistic about mid-cap stocks in the context of rate cuts] Golden Finance reported that David Kostin, chief U.S. equity strategist at Goldman Sachs Group, said that once the dust settles on the U.S. presidential election, the U.S. stock market will continue to rise. Kostin said that the S&P 500 is expected to be around 6,000 points in a year. This forecast means that the index is about 5% higher than the record closing level of about 5,719 points on Monday. The index has risen by about 20% this year. However, he said that given that the showdown between Harris and Trump in the United States will be decided at the last minute, investors may have to deal with some market turmoil in the coming weeks. Kostin also believes that mid-cap stocks contain opportunities, and pointed out that compared with large-cap and small-cap stocks, mid-cap stocks have long had a better track record, lower valuation multiples and better valuations. He also pointed out that mid-cap stocks tend to outperform the market in the three-month and 12-month period after the rate cut.