I have not received a dime from Solana so far. I do not accept the evaluation of "grifter". Everyone has their own standards. You may not understand my joining @Solana_zh. If what I am doing now is exchanged for money, I guess Solana will not cooperate with me. On the contrary, the time and cost I invested in this SG event are beyond the imagination of many friends.

Let me tell you one thing. I stood at the door for two hours with my bag as a doorman, entertaining all the participants in the conference. In the weather in Singapore, I don’t know how much money I would be paid to do it, but I know that if I was paid, I probably wouldn’t do it.

As a human being, I should speak according to my conscience. I am true to my conscience and everything I have done. Maybe you don’t believe it, but I have interviewed six “Chinese-language” projects at Breakpoint, and the incubator SpringX jointly established by @BuidlerDAO and @solana will all receive my support, and there is no fee.

Not only do I not charge any fees, I will also help introduce friends in the industry to promote and support these projects for free. Yes, this is what I want to do. I can understand that you use the mentality of most people to measure me. This is just like me writing. If it was for money, I would have stopped doing it a long time ago. What I want to do may not be understood by you at present.