Bitwise executive: The most powerful started buying crypto

At Bitwise, one of the companies with Bitcoin spot ETF product, executive Matt Hougan asked about investment advisors' investments at a conference he attended. Stating that the vast majority of people personally buy Bitcoin and crypto, but they still see that they cannot make this transfer to their own customers due to the regulations, Hougan said, "When this leads, everything will progress very quickly."

Matt Hougan, managing at the US asset management company Bitwise, attended the Barron's Advisors Summit held in Florida. Hougan, who also made a speech in front of investment advisors, as every year, asked those in the hall whether they own Bitcoin or any other cryptocurrency.

“From 10% to 70%...”

Hougan, who attended this conference in the last 3 years and asked the same question, stated that the rate of those who raised their hands in the air as a positive response in the past 2 years was between 10% and 20% and said, "Today, the rate was 70%. It's really incredible," he said.

Asking a second question on the subject, Hougan asked how much of the consultants' customer accounts have Bitcoin or crypto. The majority, on the other hand, gave the answer to this question as "No" because it worked with intermediaries and still did not give permission in this sense.

"It comes in 6 to 12 months, everything can be very fast"

The Bitwise manager said that investment advisors first make purchases to their own portfolios, and in the next 6-12 months, these purchases are reflected in their customer accounts:

“It is very important that these powerful people buy Bitcoin... When you buy Bitcoin in your own portfolio, fear and ignoring leave yourself to curiosity and comfort. When these purchases start to spread from consultants to clients, everything can happen very quickly in an interesting way.”