When you’re investing, making sure that you’re investing as smartly as possible is the wisest thing that you can do with your time. The reason for this is simple: you want to make money, and you want to do so efficiently.

High-quality trading platforms like traze.com can have a wide variety of different features and tools that will help you make money. Of course, there are many different tools out there, but let’s talk about some particularly useful ones here.

Trading signals

Trading signals are simple – essentially, they’re actionable suggestions that allow you to make forecasted decisions in your chosen market.

For instance, if a certain pattern of trades occurs around one another in your market, a trading signal might see that, historically, those trades have occurred before a downfall. Therefore, it may suggest that you sell your commodities now to avoid losing money.


This is slightly different from a trading signal in one key way: you set up the exact parameters under which an alert will get in touch with you.

This can be a great way to use your rapidly growing knowledge of market analysis: by considering the future of your particular holdings, you can instruct your future self on actions to take in certain situations.

Social trading

Social trading is a great way to get in touch with what the financial world is doing around you. It can allow you to take a look at what other traders are buying and selling, and inform your dataset upon which you make decisions.

You might use this to identify when a certain commodity appears to have lost objective value, and therefore make the decision to sell your stocks ahead of time, or wait a little while and buy low.

Copy trading

Copy trading is a great way to aim to make your trades more passive. Essentially, it’s a software solution that allows you to select a given trader, and totally copy what trades they’re making, and when they’re making them.

By selecting an investor with the ideas and morals that you best align with, you can ensure that your side income is not only an extra wedge of cash, but that it’s selected by a trader with both knowledge and wisdom.

Trading analytics

Trading analytics are exactly what they sound like: a dataset of combined information that helps to understand why trades you’ve made may have worked particularly well, or not worked so well.

A great platform will base these analytics on your trading data, and aim to ensure that you improve in your knowledge and skills. With time, you can use these improved analytics to make exponential developments in your trading skills.

Whether you’re just starting out trading or you’re a seasoned professional, it’s important to ensure that the platform you use is working well for you. By selecting a platform based on the tools that you value most, you’ll be able to trade smarter and aim to make money much more efficiently with your time.