How to find 100x coins in the crazy bull market after September.

First of all, you need to understand the truth, whose money are you making?

1. The similarities and differences between cryptocurrency and stock speculation

First of all, we need to make clear a fact: although cryptocurrency and stock speculation are both games in the capital market, they have their own merits. Both are essentially zero-sum games, but the logic and gameplay behind them are very different. In the stock market, there are few single dealers who control more than 80% of the chips, and the absorption of each share is accompanied by costs. In the currency circle, the project party can hold up to 90% or even more tokens at almost zero cost, which lays the groundwork for market manipulation.

2. The secret of "cutting non-vegetables" in the currency country

When new currencies come out, there are often only a small number of airdrops to the hands of early participants, and most of the chips are still tightly held in the hands of the project party, which allows the project party to easily raise the price of the currency to several times, dozens of times or even a hundred times with only a small amount of funds.

However, once the heat rises suddenly, the leeks flock in, and the project party will quietly ship out, leaving a mess. Those investors who fail to sell in time will eventually become the green "leeks" in the currency circle

III. The essence of screening 100x coins

After understanding the above differences, we can gain insight into the essence of screening 100x coins:

1. Low market value: Both the circulating market value and the total market value must be kept low to ensure sufficient room for growth

2. High ceiling: The track has huge potential, and the valuation of the big bull market should reach more than one billion US dollars

3. New narrative: Focus on new areas to solve practical problems and avoid unpopular tracks

4. Hidden places: Dark horse coins are often hidden in places where no one cares, and high-profile people are difficult to achieve great things

5. Poor early liquidity: Early currencies are mostly traded in small exchanges or on-chain, and high thresholds are the barriers to stop leeks

6. Online timing: The token is best launched at the end of the bull market or the beginning of the energy market, and has undergone sufficient wash-out

7. Low unit price: The starting unit price is low, which is easier to attract new leeks to enter.

9. Team background: The founder, team, investment institutions and financing amount must all stand up to scrutiny

10. Track leader: Give priority to leading projects in the track and avoid following the trend.

At present, the bull market is surging, and we have the opportunity to share passwords every day.

Again, if you don’t know what to do in the bull market, click on the lower right corner of the picture, bull market spot planning, Heyue Mima, free sharing.