How did the leeks in the currency circle come about? There are mainly the following reasons:

1. The mentality of "getting rich overnight"

The root of becoming a leek successfully comes from "getting rich overnight"

Nowadays, many people have entered the currency circle with the dream of getting rich overnight.

They are attracted by those hype hot spots and high-return projects, completely ignoring the hidden risks and true value,

and often end up being stuck or even suffering heavy losses.

2. The disadvantages of lack of knowledge

Many people who have invested in the currency circle know nothing about the basic concepts, principles and technologies of digital currency.

They neither pay attention to market trends nor care about policy changes.

They just blindly follow the trend or believe in rumors, causing themselves to make wrong judgments and decisions.

3. No risk control awareness

In the investment process, many people have not formulated reasonable plans and strategies.

They neither set stop-profit and stop-loss points, nor diversify their investment portfolios, nor can they adjust their positions and directions in time.

As a result, they are helpless in the face of market fluctuations.

4. Emotional trading: greed and fear

When investing, many people are easily affected by greed and fear.

They cannot calmly analyze and judge the market trend. They dare not sell when it rises and dare not buy when it falls.

When it rebounds, they blindly chase the rise and rush to sell when it falls.

In the end, they either miss the opportunity or lose more money.

As the saying goes, fate is only in your own hands.

There must be more methods than problems in the world. This is the consciousness of breaking through.

Get rid of the shackles of fate. Don't be the object of harvesting on the day of the current fate.

But in fact, most people can't escape such a fate.