According to ChainCatcher, PancakeSwap officially launched PancakeSwap Prediction (@pancakefi_bot) based on Telegram on its fourth anniversary, entering the prediction market. Users can use BNB to predict price fluctuations and earn income from them. PancakeSwap has taken the lead in connecting to UXUY's decentralized multi-chain wallet @UXUYbot, and 900 million social users can complete the interaction on Telegram with one click without third-party software.

BNB Chain is the world's most active on-chain ecosystem, with a total transaction volume of over 8.81 billion. Through the UXUY Telegram multi-chain wallet, users can seamlessly connect to BNB Chain in social scenarios, enjoying extremely low gas fees and rich OnChain infrastructure. As of September 24, the number of smart contracts on the BNB Chain exceeded 316 million.

Kevin, founder of UXUY, said: As a product incubated and invested by Binance Labs, UXUY is pleased to reach a strategic cooperation with PancakeSwap, leveraging the ecological advantages of BNB Chain to connect 900 million Telegram users and promote Mass Adoption in the crypto industry.