Characteristics of frequent losses in the cryptocurrency circle, see how many of them you have?

1. Frequent trading not only increases transaction costs, but also easily affects the mentality due to market fluctuations.

2. Chasing to add positions when the price goes up: lack of clear investment strategy, which easily leads to buying high and selling low.

3. Not stopping losses when trapped: Failure to stop losses in time may cause greater losses.

4. Blindly and frequently covering positions at the beginning of a downward trend: the risk of covering positions when the trend is unclear is relatively high.

5. Short-term holding of coins: large price fluctuations in the short term, easy to miss the opportunity for long-term rise.

6. Chasing when it goes up and cutting when it goes down: following the trend without a clear plan, easily influenced by market sentiment.

7. Frequent currency exchange: Frequent currency exchange will increase transaction costs and it is difficult to accumulate experience in in-depth research.

8. Holding a large number of currencies: Although diversified investment can reduce risks, too many currencies increase the difficulty of management and it is difficult to concentrate on in-depth research.

9. Listening to news everywhere: Blindly listening to news is easy to be misled and lacks independent judgment.

10. Self-willed and self-satisfied: unwilling to learn and accept new knowledge, easily fall into their own thinking errors.

11. Lack of courage: lack of decisiveness at critical moments, difficult to seize opportunities.

12. Not daring to buy at the bottom, unwilling to sell at the top: lack of judgment and execution of the market.

13. After many failures, do not stick to the original model: frequent changes in strategy lead to lack of systematization. Content with small wealth: satisfied with short-term gains, ignoring long-term potential.

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