On-chain analyst ai_9684xtpa recently uncovered a noteworthy transaction involving a substantial amount of UNI tokens. According to data from blockchain analytics firm Arkam, an anonymous address linked to an early Uniswap investor transferred 1.449 million UNI (approximately $9.91 million) to Coinbase just three hours ago. This transaction adds to the 3.49 million UNI (worth around $26.93 million) that the same address has deposited on the exchange since September 13th. Notably, this address received a hefty sum of 9 million UNI from the Uniswap project address even before the platform's launch. Currently, the address holds approximately 5.05 million UNI. At the time of writing, UNI is trading at $6.76, representing a modest 0.29% increase, as per CoinMarketCap. This significant movement of UNI tokens by an early investor has grabbed the attention of the cryptocurrency community. While the reasons behind the transfer remain unknown, it underscores the ongoing liquidity and activity within the Uniswap ecosystem. Traders and investors will undoubtedly keep a close eye on any further developments related to this substantial transaction.