Donald Trump has announced that if he loses the November 5th election, he will not run for the presidency again in 2028.

“That will be it,” Trump said during an interview on Sharyl Attkisson’s “Full Measure” program on Sunday.

“No, I don’t see that at all. Hopefully, we will be successful.”

Trump officially announced his latest White House bid two years ago in November 2022.

This election is a tight race between him and Kamala Harris. Current polls show them neck-and-neck in swing states. 

Although Harris has recently gained some ground in nationwide polls, the contest remains too close to call.

Trump is still dealing with the fallout from his 2020 election loss, which he continues to blame on what he calls a “widespread voter fraud.”

Despite numerous legal challenges and recounts, no real evidence has been presented to support his claims. 

And he now faces both federal and state criminal charges over his attempts to overturn the 2020 results. 

He maintains his innocence, framing these indictments as politically motivated attacks to derail his campaign.

Harris meanwhile has branded herself as the candidate who can tackle everyday issues like family expenses and housing.

Polling data shows her with a 5-point lead over Trump, 49% to 44%. The Democrats’ favorability has increased by 16 points since Biden left.

According to the NBC News poll, she is now seen as more competent, effective, and physically and mentally fit for the presidency.

These are areas where Trump used to have an edge when he was up against Biden.

Harris is also viewed as the candidate who can get the country back on track because the voters overwhelmingly believe that things are headed in the wrong direction.

But Trump is still ahead in terms of the broader economy. Economic concerns are top of mind for voters, with two-thirds saying their family income isn’t keeping up with the cost of living.

The NBC News poll also shows that some of Trump’s support has died among Republicans who were only with him for lack of a better option.

These are the voters who reluctantly backed him in 2016 and 2020 but might be hesitant this time around. 

Trump spoke about the difficulty of making a comeback after a break, saying:

“It would have been easier if I did it … contiguous. The benefit is more than anything else, it shows how bad they were.”