Tau Net, a novel layer 1 AI blockchain, is designing a mainnet to be entirely developed and controlled by all of its users. Leveraging advanced and fully accurate AI reasoning, Tau Net simplifies the software development process by enabling ALL users to focus solely on “what” the blockchain, platform, tokenomics and governance functionality should be rather than “how” it should be done. It is based on groundbreaking new math summarized in this paper.

User requirements work directly as executable software specification, which Tau Net’s AI reasons over and detects the agreed upon version of the network and automatically upgrades the network based on the collective desire of its entire user base. Tau Net’s native token, Agoras (AGRS), will facilitate transactions within Tau Net’s economy.

Testnet Architecture and Launch

Tau Net’s Testnet will demonstrate Tau Net’s capabilities. The Tau Net Testnet architecture diagram visually represents the initial rules and processes governing the blockchain, illustrating how AGRS transactions are processed, requirements are proposed, and states are updated. Coin transfers and new requirement proposals follow separate paths, ensuring accurate updates to balances and system requirements. This flowchart is crucial in understanding the Tau Net blockchain’s foundational state and its evolution based on users’ collective reasoning. The hereby presented architectural diagram displays the first requirements that we launch the network with. These are to be updated by all users collectively as time progresses.

Tau Language Update

In preparation for its Testnet launch, the Tau Net project has showcased the latest iteration of Tau Language, a groundbreaking AI development language. Tau Language, the first logical language capable of logical reasoning over sentences in the same language and allows users to create software correct-by-construction, by simply describing it in logical sentences. These descriptions are directly executable, ensuring the software is correct-by-construction and thereby free from bugs. Tau Language’s built-in mechanized reasoning capabilities enable software to infer new knowledge and automatically implement it, making it a powerful tool for developing collective intelligence and decentralized governance.

Towards Mainnet

Future versions of Testnet will include multiple iterations, continuously adding more features and improvements. Each iteration will enhance the platform’s robustness and functionality, ultimately leading to the Mainnet launch. Alongside the Tau Net team, early users will set the initial rules, making Testnet a crucial phase where user input shapes the network’s evolution. This iterative approach ensures that Tau Net evolves in alignment with the needs and preferences of its entire user base, leading to a Mainnet without the team’s control, and a blockchain truly developed and controlled by its users.


The Testnet launch and Tau Language will demonstrate a new paradigm in software development and decentralized governance. As the project progresses towards its Mainnet release, it transforms how software is created, executed, and managed, ushering in a new era of decentralized AI, and user-driven technology.

Stay Connected

Stay connected with Tau Net through their website, Twitter (@TauLogicAI), Telegram, and Discord. Join the conversation and be a part of the future of blockchain technology.

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