In the market on Monday, the bulls rushed up strongly in the early trading, and then started a correction. Bitcoin hit the intraday high of 64723 and then came under pressure, and then fell back to the low of 63033. At the same time, Ethereum maintained a steady upward trend, breaking through the previous high again in the evening and coming to the vicinity of 2702.

At present, the long and short positions of Bitcoin on Monday were intertwined and offset each other, showing a slightly strong pattern overall. The market fluctuated frequently and fluctuated repeatedly, but the support below gradually stabilized, indicating that the adjustment trend was mainly based on the bulls. The upper pressure continued to be tested, indicating that the time for a change in the market is approaching. If a new breakthrough is not formed, the adjustment trend may continue; once the breakthrough is successful, the return of the bulls will be a foregone conclusion, which is in line with our expectations.

Operational suggestions

Bitcoin can be long near 63000 at midnight, with a focus on 64000-64500.

Ethereum can be long near 2630-2620, with a focus on 2720.

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