Recently, the market as a whole has shown a clear upward trend, and all kinds of assets have generally shown an upward trend. Against this background, the star token $TAO in the AI ​​field is particularly dazzling. Its price has doubled since the bottom, fully demonstrating its strong market appeal and wide recognition by investors.

At the same time, another cryptocurrency closely related to AI, FET, is not to be outdone. It has performed well recently and successfully broke through the previous pressure area on the daily chart, revealing a signal of a breakthrough. However, despite the positive signs of FET's rebound, I am still cautiously optimistic about its subsequent trend and believe that a clear big positive line is needed to further verify the stability of this breakthrough.

If FET can successfully break through and consolidate its position, I predict that its subsequent potential target price may reach around 2.2. At present, the support area of ​​the token is stable between 1.45 and 1.5, providing investors with a relatively safe entry or holding range.

But it is worth noting that FET is not included in my long-term investment strategy. Therefore, for investors who already hold FET positions, I recommend adopting a swing trading strategy to flexibly respond to market fluctuations and avoid over-concentrating positions or taking unnecessary risks.