Say something counter-intuitive:

A truly upright person will never experience any abuse.

Even if you encounter bad people, you can usually restrain yourself and avoid being harmed.

Those who will suffer p and harm are usually bad and greedy themselves.

Only then will you meet worse people.

Those who say they are honest and kind, but always encounter unkind people, mean that their integrity is blind.

An upright person is unhappy with this person and disdainful with that person. He is often criticized by people who do not know the truth, so he is particularly wary of people. His eyes will grow on his head from then on, and he is very arrogant.

So these people who were raped by Tortoise and Hare deserved it.

If you make money quickly but are not honest, and if you are not upright in life, you will fall in love with turtles.

My parents are honest people, but they have never been stupid. They escaped the epic stock market crash that made countless people become Peter Pan and the stock market crashed for 19 consecutive days. They escaped countless ZPs and the rat club that everyone was playing in those days. Relatives who want money during the zodiac sign. Of course, they are not speculative at all, which means they will not be very rich. They are just ordinary middle-class people with a few houses and a few highly educated children. Without raising these children, their assets would probably be worth another 100 million. Life will be great.

So stop linking honesty with stupidity. People who are truly honest are particularly difficult to deal with. People who will be cheated or lose all their money in old age will definitely not be any better.

By the way, how could Guitu be a "person"? Many ranking experts who lead orders are basically supported by currency dealers.