The incident of security guard Kong Kong being defrauded of 700,000 reminds us that we should never recommend strangers to other friends casually. If you want to send a business card, you must tell your friends why this person wants to see you and what is the relationship between this person and you. Don't trust him easily because of yourself.

Some people say that what the security guard Kong Kong encountered was a very low-level scam, which is easy to see through. In fact, it is not true. After reading what Kong Kong wrote about the experience, I broke out in a cold sweat. I wondered if I would be fooled if I encountered such a thing? Is it possible that I would be used by the scammer to cheat other friends?

This scheme seems simple. The scammer first finds the well-known big V Shizuka and says that Guangzi wants to promote it. Shizuka kindly pushes his business card to her former colleague and good friend, the well-known KOL Baoan Kongkong. Baoan Kongkong sees that it is recommended by Shizuka and thinks it is Shizuka's friend so he approves it. Then the scammer says he wants to offer U, and it is estimated that the amount to be offered is huge and the price is cheap. Baoan Kongkong gets excited and thinks he can get a bargain. Greed clouds his mind and he agrees.

Then the scammer was generous and asked the security guard Kong Kong to choose a celebrity that everyone trusted as a guarantor. Kong Kong chose the highly respected Mr. Xie Jiayin (Mr. Xie was really an innocent victim). So the scammer immediately added a fake Xie Jiayin's VX to the group, and then proposed that both the buyer and the seller pay 100,000 U to the fake Xie Jiayin as a guarantee. As a result, Kong Kong only saw that the VX avatar was Xie Jiayin's, and did not even look at the WeChat account carefully, and hurriedly withdrew 100,000 U from Binance and paid it to the fake Xie Jiayin (the guarantee was 100,000 U, which shows that the transaction amount agreed by both parties should be very large! Huge profits are also a factor that makes people lose their minds). After clicking send, the group was disbanded instantly, and the scammers disappeared.

This is the whole process. Now almost everyone including the exchange, security company, police, etc. has told the security guard Kong Kong that the hope of getting the money back is almost zero.

Xie Jiayin had no idea from the beginning to the end that he was being used and was an innocent victim, while Jingxiang was more unlucky. She was kind enough to help her friend, but many people suspected her of being an accomplice of the scammer. She had to cooperate with the police investigation. After all, it was she who had pushed the scammer's business card to the security guard Kong Kong!

So, all KOL friends, you must take this as a warning. It is common for people in the cryptocurrency circle to push each other. Be careful in the future. Don't be fooled into being involved in a scam and used by others to deceive others. Don't recommend strangers to other friends casually. If you want to push a business card, you must tell your friends what the relationship between you and this person is. Don't trust him because of yourself.

I would also like to solemnly declare that I, Tang Huabanzhu, never participate in any OTC transactions, nor do I provide the slightest guarantee for any OTC transactions or cooperation. If someone guarantees, endorses, or stands for me under my name, they are all scammers. Please do not believe them! Do not say that they are contacting you with a high-imitation account of mine. Even if they really contact you with my VX account, Telegram account, or Twitter account, it is 100% that my account has been stolen. Do not believe it! For sure!