Hamster Kombat is a popular Telegram tapalka, around which there are many rumors, noise and expectations, and the price of Hamster Kombat coin is the most discussed topic in the community and the cause of many disputes. The number of users in the sensational flagship Notcoin amounted to just over 30 million, while almost 10 times more were attracted to Khomyak. Hamster has undoubtedly become a record holder in the number of users, and also impresses with famous partners. However, the NOT token already has a huge impact on the cryptocurrency market, at least on the TON blockchain, the memecoin has eclipsed even the main cryptocurrency. It cannot be said yet that Hamster coin has a chance to take its place. On September 26, Khomyak will be listed on many exchanges. Binance recently announced its support for the project, the coin will also appear on the top platform. The premarket for Hamster Kombat opened back in July, when the token prices reached incredible values, for example, the largest transaction was at a price of $ 238 per 1 token. The cost of Hamster coin currently fluctuates around 5 cents, at the start it was 7 cents. Does this mean that the interest of players and faith in the project have declined? Should we expect a grandiose drop and big earnings for players?In this article, we will try to understand what the Hamster Kombat token is and what are the community’s chances of earning money in the project.

Current price of the Hamster token and factors influencing its change

The price of the Hamster Kombat coin at the time of writing is determined by the interest of traders in the cryptocurrency in the premarket. At the moment, the prospects for the growth of altcoins directly depend on the situation around the US interest rate. Traders expect the Fed to lower the rate on September 18. At the moment, the Fed has left it unchanged for 8 meetings in a row, which gives hope for a quick reduction. However, it is important to understand the dynamics of cryptocurrencies after this event. For example, in 2019, after 4 meetings without changing the rate, it was reduced, which led to a protracted bearish trend on BTC. Altcoins had a hard time at that time.

The Hamster Kombat premarket was opened in July on the Bybit exchange and several other cryptocurrency platforms. The first prices of the Hamster token indicated a positive mood of investors and averaged $0.07. However, over the two months there was a lot of negative news and rumors around the game, which led to a decrease in the preliminary price, the minimum value was recorded at $0.001. Now the cost of the Hamster coin on the same Bybit exchange is $0.05. At the same time, the market capitalization of the token is not yet estimated. And although buying cryptocurrency through USDT is a sign of stability, this does not inspire investors who are ready to sell the future drop even at reduced prices. Another fact is important. The listing of cryptocurrencies on exchanges is most often accompanied by a price dump, as weak hands come out, that is, those who received the drop and are in a hurry to dump it regardless of the price. The cost of Hamster in this case can drop sharply.

Hamster Kombat Coin price to ruble and its changes

The Hamster Kombat price in rubles is determined not only by the current Hamster Kombat exchange rate, but also by the dollar value. On September 14, the token in USDT costs $0.05, and the official dollar to ruble exchange rate is 89.89. Calculating how much Hamster Kombat costs in rubles is very simple: 0.05 x 89.89, which is 4.49 rubles for one memecoin. Prices may differ on exchange websites. For example, the Hamster Kombat coin price to ruble on the Gate.io exchange cannot be automatically determined, but the Hamster coin price on the premarket on the chart is also very different. At the start of accepting applications, it was about 40 cents, which is 5.7 times higher than the price on the Bybit exchange. Now the rate is the same on both platforms.

On the Baybit exchange, the value of the Hamster coin is determined only in dollars. There were no such fluctuations in the rate as on Gate IO. Accordingly, the current value is approximately 4.5 rubles per coin.

There are no prices for Hamster on the Binance exchange at all. The exchange will list the token on September 26, and then it will become known what one coin is worth.

On OKX, the premarket is available in the futures trading option. As on the Gate exchange, the price here started from fairly high values ​​- 32 cents. Such a cost of the coin on different platforms is due to the initial expectations of traders and investors. And the dynamics of the token price in rubles and dollars cannot please Khomyak players yet.

Hamster Kombat Market Cap and Growth Prospects

The cryptocurrency market capitalization is determined by the total value of all assets and the number of coins in circulation. This indicator can be used to judge whether large investors are ready to open long-term positions, or it is more reliable for them to stay in cash while waiting for the market to clear and for more favorable prices to open deals. Accordingly, long-term investments in Hamster cryptocurrency will depend on the overall picture of the market. At the time of writing, the crypto market capitalization is at $2,048T, and its chart looks rather sad.

On the one hand, a five-wave movement has emerged, and in the last attempt to grow, the capitalization failed to set a new maximum, which indicates an upcoming possible decline. The formed double peak also hints at a fall - marked in red. The only positive thing is that the capitalization is kept above the inclined support - the blue line. But if the support is broken, then one of the scenarios for a decrease in capitalization will begin to work out, which will entail a bearish cycle in crypto. What is the forecast for the price of Hamster tokens, based on this picture? Of course, the price will go into a dive following the market. And those users who are not engaged in long-term investments in crypto will accelerate the fall. Having waited for the tokens to be listed on the exchange, they will dump the asset to get a minimum profit.

Hamster Kombat Coin Price Predictions from Analysts

The cryptocurrency market is currently stagnating, as is usually the case in the summer. Since September, there has been a downward trend in trading volumes on exchanges and crypto prices. Investing in altcoins is not the best idea right now, as many assets have not yet reached interesting purchase points for large capital. Despite the upcoming listing on the Binance exchange, the mood in the community is not the most positive. Although some users consider Hamster as an opportunity to earn good money and believe in a generous drop, there are many disappointed players who have already calculated the approximate cost of profit and were not happy with the time spent. The application is now accepting applications for withdrawing funds to exchanges and cryptocurrency wallets.

For example, a popular calculation on the network looks like this: the number of players exceeds 200 million people, and the token supply is 100 billion. Thus, if everyone receives at least 100 tokens, this will already amount to 20 billion coins. There are also investors, for whom a separate percentage is allocated, as well as leaders of the referral program, they will be given more than ordinary players.

Let's adjust these figures: at the time of writing, the Khomyak Telegram bot is visited by 83 million people per month. The drop will be given out in parts, in the first wave it will be only 1%, that is, 1 billion coins. Even if divided equally by 83 million players, it will come out to 12 tokens. Taking into account the price of 5 cents, this is 60 cents of profit, not much.

It is important to connect your wallet to Hamster Kombat before AirDrop. Read the step-by-step instructions in the article at the link.

Let's calculate the payback of our time relative to the entire percentage of coins that will be distributed to the community in several stages. This is about 85%, that is, 85 billion / 83 million users and we will get about 1000 coins in hand, this is already more pleasant, but still only 50 bucks. And if we consider that the distribution will be uneven due to the difference in the pumping of accounts, then we can assume negativity towards the game from such a large audience. With high volatility of digital assets, the speed of draining the price of Hamster Kombat can be stunning. For this reason, the team decided to freeze the coins. Vesting is provided for about 4 months. This means that during this period the user will not be able to do anything with the asset, only watch how the price of the Hamster Kombat token changes. The start of cryptocurrency trading on Binance is considered a good sign - this cryptocurrency trading exchange tries to place only promising projects on the platform. But in the era of a huge number of memecoins, the principles of the platform could change, each company wants to make money on the hype. There are different opinions in reviews about the game.

Results and conclusions on the cost of Hamster Kombat

Pre-market forecasts for the cryptocurrency market are based only on the experience of other assets. In this case, you can only consider memecoins, and it is best to rely on the flagship. If you compare Hamster coin and Notcoin, you can try to calculate the fair price of the Hamster token. NOT's capitalization is $800 million, and the number of coins is 102 billion, that is, about the same as Hamster Combat. At the same time, the approximate valuation of the project is about a billion bucks, that is, higher than Not, but only by 25%. If we assume that the fair price of the token should also be higher than NOT by 25%, then this will be about 1 cent per coin. That is, another 5 times lower than the pre-market. The cryptocurrency rate on CoinMarketCap will be displayed only after September 26, 2024, while you can only view prices on the pre-market.

Comparison of prices of cryptocurrencies, one of which has not yet been released on the exchanges, still cannot be accurate. The Hamster Kombat project has collected a huge amount of advertising funds, the collaboration with 1WIN alone brought in more than $ 11 million. However, do not delude yourself that the profit from the received coins will be impressive. There are many negative factors:

  • The first investments were made by the BingX exchange, with the founder Eduard Gurinovich receiving $10 million for the development of the project;

  • major Russian bloggers and influencers were involved, for example, Nikita Anufriev and Headliners, everyone was promised a profitable drop with special buyout conditions;

  • then the project took off and began to collect profits from advertisers, disagreements began within the team, and Eduard himself refused early investors, returned the money and stated that the project did not need help;

  • Next in line were the influencers, who, as it turned out, wanted too much; Eduard apparently forgot that they had invested in advertising Khomyak.

If the team is so dishonest with those who helped develop the game, will it respect the players? Everyone who really contributed to the popularity of Hamster has already been dumped, literally by refusing to cooperate or unilaterally changing the terms of the partnership. This is another reason why the cryptocurrency rate in rubles after the listing may fall, offended bloggers are already calling for dumping the price immediately after the transfer of coins. In this case, technical analysis of cryptocurrencies is useless if a huge community unites against the arrogant creator of the game. In any case, for long-term investments in the Hamster token, you need to track events around the project, as well as monitor the price after the listing. Share your thoughts on the prospects of the Hamster Kombat crypto in the comments under the review.