The scam of entering and exiting the Golden Triangle that started last year is here again!

The scam methods are as follows 1. Scammer A adds the WeChat of a well-known big V through social groups, Twitter and other channels, and asks the well-known big V to use WeChat to recommend a suitable person (victim) for various needs [probably similar to: buying and selling u, finding a team leader, doing rebates, being a kol, etc.].

2 The victim saw that the way to add was through the big V's business card recommendation, so he let down all his guard. At this time, scammer A revealed that he wanted to buy u during the chat with the victim, and said that he would find a big V to guarantee it, and then scammer A started to pull a group. ! The group includes: scammer A, scammer B (the avatar is exactly the same as the big V), and victim 1. The ending is that because the victim let down his guard and did not click on the avatar of scammer B to check whether they are friends (the avatar of scammer B is exactly the same as the avatar of the big V), the u was directly transferred to scammer B#DODO助力Meme发行 #币安上线CATI #加密市场反弹