Everything in the currency circle depends on the face of BTC. I don't know if you have noticed that many big projects will issue coins when BTC is rising. Some of them will issue coins when the trend is bearish. So when you master the trend of BTC, combined with the projects you have, you will have a rough idea of ​​when to issue coins. Of course, projects with PUA do not count...

Research project analysis. There is one thing in essence. There are a few projects that will go against the trend when the market is not good. So do you want to learn the trend of BTC.

For meme, pepe, bome, bonk wif, etc., are they produced when BTC is rising well. How many of these awesome ones were produced when the market was bearish? Aren't they all born and pulled when BTC rose sharply and the sentiment was fomo?

Contracts, whether you play BTC contracts or cottage contracts, don't cottage contracts follow BTC? . There are a few that go against the trend. Please remember that the low point of BTC is the low point of cottages. Do you do cottage contracts? Actually, you are doing BTC. Don't believe it? Go and compare the K-line yourself.

So do you want to learn BTC or macro? Of course, if you don't learn macro, you can grasp the long-term and short-term trends of BTC. As long as you verify it yourself, there is no problem.