Price:Currently at 63,708.01 (+1.37%), with a 24H high of 64,745.88 and a 24H low of 62,357.93.

- Moving Averages:

- MA(7): 63,727.51

- MA(25): 63,905.80

- MA(99): 63,175.93

The price is near MA(7), indicating consolidation. MA(25) is acting as short-term resistance, while MA(99) is a stronger long-term support.

Volume: 70.47 BTC (24H), moderate for this price movement. Higher volume is needed to break resistance near 64,000.


- Immediate resistance: 63,905 (MA25) and 64,745 (24H high)

- Immediate support: 63,175 (MA99) and 62,357 (24H low)

Conclusion: BTC is consolidating near 63,700. A breakout above MA25 could signal further gains, while breaking below MA99 might indicate downside potential.

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