As an "old leek" who has been working in the field of cryptocurrency for five years, I would like to share my personal experience.

In the first year, I first entered the cryptocurrency circle and bought various so-called "pearls", "agates" and other niche tokens with curiosity and longing, but I encountered frequent market fluctuations and was ruthlessly cut off. At that time, I had not yet set foot in contract trading, but even a small investment was enough to make me lose a lot of money.

Later, I gradually came into contact with and learned contract trading, and began to get involved in mainstream currencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum. I remember that the price of Bitcoin fluctuated around $10,000 at that time, and Ethereum hovered around $300. However, the high leverage and volatility of contract trading kept me awake at night, fearing that a careless move would lead to a liquidation. I was ignorant and fearless, and even tried 100x leverage trading, but I never really learned how to set a stop loss. The result was naturally a series of losses, and my confidence was exhausted.

Just when I was about to give up, a teacher named Tony who called himself a "cryptocurrency contract mentor" appeared. He has many titles and he gives lectures in a very logical way, which makes me feel like I can turn things around. I absorbed his knowledge eagerly. After a month, although my wallet was even thinner, I had a deeper understanding of my identity as a "leek". I began to work hard to get closer to Teacher Tony, hoping to get his personal guidance. Finally, with the help of relatives and friends, I raised $30,000 in "tuition fees" and prepared to follow the teacher to make a big move.

However, things did not go as smoothly as I imagined. Teacher Tony asked me to transfer funds to a small platform and promised to help me attract customers and earn some commissions. Although I was skeptical, I finally chose to believe it. However, the first day of trading completely broke me down. The teacher did not teach me how to set a stop loss, but asked me to use high leverage to trade. As you can imagine, my account was blown up within a few minutes. I stayed up all night that night, and I chose to call the police after dawn, but the result is as you can imagine.

This experience made me fall into deep self-blame and despair. I worked hard during the day to repay my debts and often suffered from insomnia at night.I'm only 26 years old but my hair has already started to grow white.