This morning, the trend of Bitcoin was like a roller coaster, so exciting! It broke through $64,000 early in the morning, then dropped to $62,500, and then bounced back like a spring. Both the bulls and bears were played around by Bitcoin.

At the weekend, Bitcoin was swinging around $63,000, like a swing. At six o'clock this morning, it suddenly dropped to $62,356, and then rose to $64,048.

At around eight o'clock, there was another wave, first dropping to $62,500, and then pulling up again, leaving a long lower shadow. In these three hours, Bitcoin was like a wild horse running wildly. Now, Bitcoin has returned to $63,782, and is trying hard to break through the $64,000 mark.

Ethereum is not far behind, and its trend is similar to Bitcoin, also rushing up and down. It has already exceeded $2,600, and the highest was $2,614.

Speaking of liquidation, it is even more thrilling. According to Coinglass data, in the past 24 hours, the total contract liquidation volume of the entire network reached $134 million! Among them, long orders accounted for $93.21 million, and a total of more than 54,000 people were liquidated. This number makes my heart ache.

Fortunately, the liquidation data is not particularly serious. It seems that everyone is unsure about the future direction at this key price, and most people still choose to wait and see. After all, this

money is not blown by the wind, so you have to be cautious

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