Many users want to ask about HMSTR

Fairness? Price? Value?

Let’s talk about it today

HMSTR is a small game on $TON

Backed by telegram, it attracts countless users

The number of users surged to hundreds of millions in a short period of time

Many users followed it for months or even half a year

Want to get airdrops by participating in the game

After the Hamster token model was announced

80% of users began to be dissatisfied

Why are they dissatisfied?

Today, Hamster officially released the token distribution. The article states that the number of users has reached 300 million, reaching the requirement of 129 million. This means that 171 million users do not meet the requirements. This is more than half of the total users. The official investigation of cheating found 2.3 million users. The number of 2.3 million accounts for 1% of the total users. In the token distribution situation, 60% of the first phase of distribution is 60 billion. 129 million meet the requirements. Then the share of a single user is estimated to be 400-500. As a project with a total token of 100 billion, basically, a large number of tokens can only be obtained through invitations. It is basically impossible for a single invitation to reach more than 10 million. And as a project that does not require external investment, the possibility of Hamster wanting to be a banker is relatively low. However, Hamster's coin holders are real. Therefore, Hamster's coin price may be targeted by headhunters as the market opens. Because it is a meme, there are always people who want to manipulate the market. However, for tokens without large chips to smash the market, absorbing chips is the key. Smash first, then go sideways, and then rise. Hamster has always emphasized users, but screening 170 million users is nothing more than an unwise choice. Without the user community base, Hamster is nothing. Users will turn from freeloaders to community members. Of course, freeloaders are not excluded. These bad guys need to be screened out. Finally, Hamster officials are unlikely to make any changes. And they will carry out airdrops as planned. This may be a good thing or a bad thing. What do you think? If you want to compare it with Hamster, $CATI $NOT seems to be the beginning and the end. #币安上线CATI #新币挖矿已上线HMSTR #BNBChain与Telegram集成 #加密市场反弹 #美联储宣布降息50个基点