鏈上實用教學!2個工具扒出全網 KOL 聰明錢包


In September, the market on the chain recovered a lot, and there was an atmosphere of hundreds of flowers blooming. I believe many players have heard of the technology of "tracking smart money". Today I will teach you how to mine the addresses of smart money with your own hands! If you are skilled, you can also create your own monitoring list and track the smart money you find, without having to follow the crowd!

Steps to disassemble and use tools

This article will demonstrate the most common types of screenshots on Twitter for teaching. If you are interested in seeing such screenshots next time, you can dig into the wallets of big guys. There are two main tools we use:

  • DexScreener: Everyone calls it "Eagle". It is usually used to check prices and token information. We can use the transaction record filtering function of this website to find the information we want.

  • Cielo: It can be used to check the reward rate, winning rate, associated wallet, etc. of the address. It can also be monitored using their TG BOT.

First example: screenshot of wallet history


As long as the screenshot of the transaction record contains "time", "amount spent" and "number of pieces received", if the above three conditions are met, the reverse tracking can be performed.

From the above figure, the information we can get is:

  • 2024.07.22 Buy: Spend 0.12 $ETH and buy 8,571,822,614.7582 $DMAGA

  • 2024.07.22 Sell: Sold 8,571,822,614.7582 $DMAGA in exchange for 0.2138 $ETH


Here we take DexScreener as an example. You can also go to GMGN and Photon, websites with similar functions, and use filtering tools to narrow the scope. The key point is that the more detailed the filtering function, the better. After filtering out the correct transaction records, click the button in the MAKER field and you will be redirected to the blockchain browser.


The blockchain browser will have detailed transaction records of the address, which is usually not studied here. After finding the address, you can go to Cielo to check the winning rate and ROI of the address to determine whether you want to continue to pay attention.​

Second example: screenshot of wallet holdings

Next is a screenshot of the wallet with positions. This is a limited edition. The success rate depends on luck. If the position is subsequently cleared, it will be more difficult to find!


Taking this wallet screenshot as an example, the message we want to record is

  • $Moo Deng: holds 26,720.64938 pieces

  • $Moo Wan: holds 190,161.79632 pieces

  • $Jonah: holds 263,377.10223

It is recommended to look for tokens with the smallest market capitalization and lower popularity (lower number of transactions), so look for them from $Jonah.


First go to DexScreener and enter $Jonah in the search field. Then pay attention to selecting the right chain. Now many natives will issue one each in Sol and Eth. We click on the $Jonah of the Solana chain to copy the contract, as shown in the picture above.


Then go to Sol's blockchain browser Solscan and paste $Jonah's Token contract to get to this page. Holders will sort the number of coins held from large to small. If you find the wallet address holding 263,377.10 coins, you can find the owner of this wallet.

Third example: screenshot containing transaction records

Nowadays, many apps will have this kind of entry and exit records, and many KOLs will directly post such screenshots when posting orders. We can also track them in reverse.


Usually from this kind of screenshot, we can know the "buying price", "selling price", "SOL or ETH spent" and "number of tokens obtained". I would suggest that it is faster to start with the number of tokens obtained. Overlapping samples will be better. few.


The search method is similar to the first example, and it is also necessary to cover the search token range to the number you are looking for.

What should I do if the wallet I found is no longer in use?


Let's take the address "0x7F396D617E57301140AE3C5e52641C70241368A6" found in the first example as an example. You can check the reward rate, winning rate, and detailed entry and exit records of the address on the Cielo website. However, we often encounter a situation where the KOL has changed the wallet operation. , you can click Related Wallets to find related wallets.


When it comes to the associated wallet, Inflow is the inflow of funds and Outflow is the outflow of funds. We can roughly divide it into three situations.

  1. Only outflow, no inflow: usually the payment address of the exchange, which is the exclusive payment address of your account and will not change.

  2. Only inflow, no outflow: usually the withdrawal hot wallet of the exchange, which is the address where the exchange sends funds.

  3. There is an inflow and there is an outflow: usually other commonly used wallets, we can start from this type.

Finally, we found that the first address in the picture is the KOL’s OKX payment address, and the fourth address is another commonly used wallet of the KOL.

From the exchange payment address, you can double confirm and pick out more other wallets


Let’s take a look at the KOL’s OKX payment address. We can see the file:

  1. Address ending 873f: This is another commonly used wallet found by this KOL from the associated wallet in the previous step.

  2. Address mantissa 68a6: This is the wallet that was first captured from the screenshot of the wallet transaction record.

  3. Both wallets have made payments to this OKX payment address. It can be determined that these two addresses are most likely the same user.

In addition, finding the payment address of the exchange is actually the concept of going deep into the base camp. You can find out several wallets commonly used by this KOL. As long as there is a wallet that has transferred funds to this payment address, that's it!


That’s it for today’s teaching! This tutorial can be used in a wide range of applications, from KOLs posting orders on Twitter to friends posting orders in groups. As long as there are some clues, the wallet address can be traced back.

In addition to making you more confident about who is telling the truth and who is just bragging, in a world where the blockchain is so transparent, we must use the resources around us to seek truth from facts instead of listening to nonsense and spending a lot of effort. But if you follow a player who is weaker than yourself, you will lose more than you gain!

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