📊 Jesse Livermore, a genius marked by destiny.

He is remembered as one of the most iconic and enigmatic speculators on Wall Street. He made and lost fortunes. In 1929, during the market crash, he made around $100 million (equivalent to more than a billion today), but much of his fortune was borrowed and ended up invested in companies that failed. Although he seemed unbeatable, his success was short-lived, and debts haunted him throughout his life, as did his family tragedy. 💔

He faced not only financial challenges, but also personal ones. In 1935, his second wife, Dorothy Fox, accidentally shot their son during an argument. Although the boy survived, this incident deeply affected #Livermore , who was already facing emotional and financial pressures.

📉 After losing fortunes and facing a deep depression, on November 28, 1940, he committed suicide at the Sherry-Netherland Hotel in New York. He left a note in which he spoke of his emotional exhaustion, unable to move on. Demonstrating that despite his genius in the #mercados he could never control his own demons.

📜Although he is remembered for his huge profits, much of his success was due to external loans and taking risks that left him in debt when things went wrong. (which reminds us of the dangers of debt)

He kept detailed records of each of his operations. He always believed that his greatest enemy was not the markets, but himself, and the lack of control #emocional

🔑 Today there is ignorance due to the excess of information that often leads us to a fatal destiny.

#Septiembre historically known as a bearish month, it has been surprisingly more bullish than many of the previous months. Market conditions have been “brought forward” as if it were a financial climate change joke. This reflects the influenced manipulation of institutions that are moving the game board in their favor. $BTC $BCH