Bitcoin has been fluctuating in a narrow range of 62500-64000 for 3 days. We speculate on the market trend of BTC based on the liquidation map and the unfilled gap of futures.

From the short liquidation map, we can see that the upper short force is slightly higher than the lower long force, and the main short liquidation points are around 63500 and 64050.

The liquidation strength of these two points is 88 million US dollars and 229 million US dollars respectively. If the bulls can pull it to around 64600 in the short term, they can get nearly 300 million US dollars of short liquidity, so short friends must pay close attention to the 64000-64500 line.

The main liquidation points for long positions are relatively concentrated, with the main points being around 61800-62000, and the liquidation intensity of this line is US$173 million.

If the short-term bulls can hit the 61100 level, they can get nearly $250 million in liquidation strength. Bulls also need to pay attention to the 61100 level, which is also a small 0.618 support level in this wave of rise. If the price can't hold up here, you have to be careful of the two price gaps below, because BTC's gaps will basically be filled.

BTC futures unfilled gap:

From the Bitcoin futures, we can see that Bitcoin had a small unfilled gap on September 19, with the price at 60790.

There is also an obvious gap on September 9th that has not been filled yet, and the price is around 54000-54500. According to the theory that the gap must be filled, long friends also need to pay more attention to these two points $BTC $ETH