9.22 Weekend BTC and ETH market summary: Overall, multiple layouts, basically in line with expectations

On the 6th of this month, we reminded everyone that the market would reverse. We have been arranging with low and long positions. All the friends who came to consult have been notified to enter the market. The market is also in line with expectations. Generally speaking, the market of low and long positions is very impressive. From the perspective of Bitcoin daily line, the market is in the stage of 4-wave retracement. As mentioned on Friday, after the end of the 4th wave, the 5th wave of rise will test the upper resistance again, so the high-altitude layout is the main layout tonight

From the 4-hour chart of BTC: the currency price has tested 63,300 many times. The rebound after the four-hour retracement did not form a bullish trend, and it still closed below 63,300. Moreover, the S&P is in a downward trend after closing. It depends on the closing of the US market tomorrow night. If it continues to close in the negative, there is a high probability that there will be a deep correction next week. Now all technical indicators are bearish. Operation: short at highs

From the 4-hour chart, ETH has a W-bottom structure and closes above the neckline, which corresponds to the daily W shape. The daily resistance is around 2770. The bullish trend is obviously not completely completed. Be a concubine and look at the big cake. It is still waiting for a retracement to go long, because the technical indicators are bearish with continuous retracements. OBV needs to pay attention to the closing at 4 am. Once it crosses the yellow line downward, it will be strongly bearish. Tonight is mainly high-altitude

BTC evening strategy: 62700-63200 short, target around 61500!

ETH evening strategy: 2575-2585 short, target around 2515!

#DODO助力Meme发行 #美国8月零售销售环比好于预期