Looking back at the 5-day line in 2021, the altcoin world is standing at the crossroads of fate. The trajectory of the next 1 to 2 weeks may draw a market blueprint for the next half year.

Imagine that this is a critical moment in the battle between bulls and bears: the power of the bulls, like an arrow ready to be launched, has been aimed at the distance; and under the shadow of the bear market, every rebound seems so precious and short, as if telling us that the turning point may be just around the corner.

Next, how will the plot unfold? Will it continue to explore and let the haze of the bear market shroud it for longer, or will the bull market be unstoppable and lead the market into a new glory? Sideways fluctuations? That may just be the calm before the storm, not the answer we want.

Now, it's time to make your choice! Do you believe in the perseverance of the bulls or accept the cruel reality of the bear market? Your judgment may be the key to opening the door to the future market. Come and tell me, which side do you pick? Let us witness this epic showdown in the world of digital currency together!

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